Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Office is part of the Department of Planning & Economic Development. The officers are responsible for helping residents of the City to comply with the regulations of the City of Corning and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Compliance is needed for new construction and for existing buildings undergoing expansion, repair or renovation. Assistance is available through reviews of applications and plans, the issuance of permits, inspections during the course of construction, and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy.
Code Enforcement Officers are charged with remedying violations of the New York Code as well. Before a resident begins any construction or alteration project, he or she should contact the Code Enforcement Officers to find out if a permit is required.
Residents are also urged to consult an Officer about zoning regulations prior to purchasing property with the intent to change the existing use and prior to changing the use of a property already owned. Zoning regulations in the City of Corning permit different uses in various parts of the City, so being sure that a new use is permitted and the property meets the setback and lot usage requirement.
Before you begin your building project, please stop by and visit us. We are located on the second floor of City Hall. We are often in the field doing inspections, but there is usually a Code Enforcement Officer in the office during the times listed below.
Steve McDaniel, Code Enforcement
Department Hours:
M-F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm